Once we arrived in Denver things got a little crazy. We had made arrangements to see the home we were going to be renting on the Friday we got into Denver. Driving through the neighborhood leading up to our house did not give us a lot of hope for what we were about to see. Unfortunately, our concerns were warranted. The neighborhood was a little scary looking. The house was older, kind of dingy, and it ended up being smaller and just not as nice as we had expected. Walking out from our tour, we were pretty doubtful that this was a place we would want to call home, but I think what sealed the deal for us was a comment made by the women who owns the home. She said, and I quote, "The neighborhood may look kind of sketchy, but it's not actually sketchy. There's no gang-bang violence or anything." That did it for us. While we were glad there was no "gang-bang violence" going on, the mere mention of it told us this place just wasn't for us.
Bright and early Saturday morning we began our search for our new home. A friend of ours, Kat (Brian Grimes' girlfriend), recommended an area called Stapleton. The area used to be the location of the Stapleton International Airport (fun fact: the movie "Airport" was filmed there). It is an up and coming neighborhood being built with a focus on sustainability. They have recycled parts of the old airport by using them in the construction of the new neighborhood. The community hosts a grocery store, gas station, skate park, schools, playgrounds, and several restaurants - all within walking distance. A 10 minute drive gets us to several of our friends, downtown, a Super Target, and a mall. We like our apartment. It is no Buggyworks Loft, but we are truly happy and settling into our new home.
Love and Hugs,
p.s. Pictures on Flickr